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SLAC Publication: SLAC-PUB-17542
SLAC Release Date: June 2, 2020
The Steinmann Cluster Bootstrap for N = 4 Super Yang-Mills Amplitudes
Dixon, Lance.
We review the bootstrap method for constructing six- and seven-particle amplitudes in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory, by exploiting their analytic structure. We focus on two recently discovered properties which greatly simplify this construction at symbol and function level, respectively: the extended Steinmann relations, or equivalently cluster adjacency, and the coaction principle. We then demonstrate their power in determining the six-particle amplitude through six and seven l... Show Full Abstract
We review the bootstrap method for constructing six- and seven-particle amplitudes in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory, by exploiting their analytic structure. We focus on two recently discovered properties which greatly simplify this construction at symbol and function level, respectively: the extended Steinmann relations, or equivalently cluster adjacency, and the coaction principle. We then demonstrate their power in determining the six-particle amplitude through six and seven loops in the NMHV and MHV sectors respectively, as well as the symbol of the NMHV seven-particle amplitude to four loops. Show Partial Abstract
  • Interest Categories: HEP Theory, Math and Math Physics