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SLAC Publication: SLAC-PUB-16667
SLAC Release Date: July 19, 2016
Coherent Radiation in Whispering Gallery Modes
Bergstrom, J.
Theory predicts that CSR in storage rings should appear in whispering gallery modes *, which are resonances of the entire vacuum chamber and are characterized by their high frequencies and concentration of the field near the outer wall of the chamber. The theory assumes that the chamber is a smooth circular torus. We observe that a power spectrum from the NSLS-VUV ring **, which has a vacuum chamber in bends like that of the model, shows a series of sharp peaks with frequencies close to those of... Show Full Abstract
Theory predicts that CSR in storage rings should appear in whispering gallery modes *, which are resonances of the entire vacuum chamber and are characterized by their high frequencies and concentration of the field near the outer wall of the chamber. The theory assumes that the chamber is a smooth circular torus. We observe that a power spectrum from the NSLS-VUV ring **, which has a vacuum chamber in bends like that of the model, shows a series of sharp peaks with frequencies close to those of the theory. Sharp peaks are also seen in highly resolved spectra at the Canadian Light Source***, and those are invariant in position under large changes in the machine setup (energy, fill pattern, bunch length, CSR bursting or steady, optical beam li ne, etc.). Invariance of the spectrum suggests that it is due to resonances like whispering gallery modes, but they must be strongly perturbed from the circular case because of large outer wall excursions at the two IR ports. Show Partial Abstract
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  • Interest Categories: Accelerator Physics