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SLAC Publication: SLAC-PUB-14578
SLAC Release Date: September 9, 2011
Network Upgrade for the SLC: Control System Modifications
Crane, Mark.
Current communications between the SLAC Linear Collider control system central host and the remote micros is built upon the SLAC developed SLCNET communication hardware and protocols. We will describe how the Internet Suite of protocols (TCP/IP) are used to replace the SLCNET protocol interface. The major communication pathways and their individual requirements are described. This includes modifications to applications on the central VMS based host and also modifications to the micro cluster sof... Show Full Abstract
Current communications between the SLAC Linear Collider control system central host and the remote micros is built upon the SLAC developed SLCNET communication hardware and protocols. We will describe how the Internet Suite of protocols (TCP/IP) are used to replace the SLCNET protocol interface. The major communication pathways and their individual requirements are described. This includes modifications to applications on the central VMS based host and also modifications to the micro cluster software. A proxy server is used to reduce the number of total system TCP/IP connections and is an intergral part of the implementation. A third party TPC/IP stack was integrated with the micro cluster operating system to provide a fast and maintainable communications interface. Other software modifications were required to move to a new embedded micro computer which contained an intergrated ethernet controller. We shall explain some of the design decisions along with our experiences adding a new communications system to a legacy control system. Show Partial Abstract
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  • Interest Categories: Accelerator (control systems)