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SLAC Technical Note: SLAC-TN-15-008
SLAC Release Date: August 18, 2015
Peer Review of Cayla Fromms Presentation
Flynn, Kristen.
Cayla Fromms presentation on Ptychography: Imaging Beyond the Diffraction Limit was delivered exceptionally well. Her introduction established the notion that resolution was important. She clearly stated why it was important especially for the field of science. Her example images of x-ray diffraction compared to ptychography photos showed the difference in resolution that could be achieved. Her slides were concise and delivered in such an order that kept everyone engaged. She was in control duri... Show Full Abstract
Cayla Fromms presentation on Ptychography: Imaging Beyond the Diffraction Limit was delivered exceptionally well. Her introduction established the notion that resolution was important. She clearly stated why it was important especially for the field of science. Her example images of x-ray diffraction compared to ptychography photos showed the difference in resolution that could be achieved. Her slides were concise and delivered in such an order that kept everyone engaged. She was in control during her presentation and had very good posture. Cayla seemed very prepared. She presented just enough information on her slides to get her audience interested in the topics and had very good answers during the question and answering session. When asking her about whether or not she had time down at the beamline to do experimental work, she was very excited to share photos of what she had changed at one of the SSRL hutches. Overall, Caylas contributions this summer were well noted through her presentation as well as her enthusiasm of what she had accomplished during her stay. Show Partial Abstract
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