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SLAC Technical Note: SLAC-TN-15-011
SLAC Release Date: August 19, 2015
Peer Review of Gavin West
Barry, Matthew.
Gavin gave a presentation titled "Shaping x-ray pulses at LCLS." The presentation was very informative in a manner that went into detail without getting too technical to the point where the audience can no longer understand. The presentation was clearly focused on shaping x-rays and narrowed down to focus specifically on the dazzler. Gavin did a good job of starting his presentation broadly and then becoming more specific as it went on. It was well presented and used visuals that were both inter... Show Full Abstract
Gavin gave a presentation titled "Shaping x-ray pulses at LCLS." The presentation was very informative in a manner that went into detail without getting too technical to the point where the audience can no longer understand. The presentation was clearly focused on shaping x-rays and narrowed down to focus specifically on the dazzler. Gavin did a good job of starting his presentation broadly and then becoming more specific as it went on. It was well presented and used visuals that were both interesting and explanatory. Gavin was clearly prepared. He did not appear nervous what so ever. He had total control, made eye contact, talked slowly, and avoided using filler words. He engaged the audience and kept them interested throughout the entire presentation. I asked Gavin if the dazzler itself would be used in LCLS-II or if there was a newer version of the technology that they would prefer to use. He answered the question in detail and stated that there is newer technology but it is much more expensive and that it is being looked into. All in all, Gavin did a very good job on his presentation. He was clearly prepared and his presentation was well developed. Show Partial Abstract
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